October is the month that reminds us that 2019 isn’t too far away! Why? Because we start thinking about things like a congregational meeting in November to elect new elders and deacons for 2019! We start planning for Advent & Christmas services, music, parties and programs knowing the 2018 ends and 2019 begins! AND, we look at our Stewardship for the Lord – especially as we plan out our programs and missions and budget for 2019! Sometimes it is odd thinking about a new year when we haven’t celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving OR Christmas yet! But God’s people have always had to be “Forward Thinking” folks because “the past is finished and gone – all things are fresh and new!”
So, how are you giving to ………… GOD! Not Summit – not pastor Dan – not the Session or Board of Deacons – not the youth group or children’s programs – not our music ministry – not the church building upkeep – not our fellowship opportunities – not our staff or volunteers – not our mission causes or mission involvement – not our outreach, evangelism or website – BUT GOD?
Even for me as a pastor (and as your pastor) it isn’t always easy looking at all I do as ‘for God’ – but often I look at it as ‘for others’ – or even worse, as ‘for me!’ The essence of Stewardship is remembering that what we give – our time, our talents, our treasures – are for God – not us. When we sing or ring bells, teach about God’s love, prepare meals for those in need, fix something broken at the church, increase our giving in our offering envelopes, set up for a fellowship dinner, invite friends to church or welcome visitors – whatever we do we need to look at it as giving it over to God.
As we get ready for 2019 think about what God wants you to give! The verses above remind us all that we are giving you “plenty of time to think it over and make up your own mind what you will give.” For you see, we want the rest of 2018 and ALL OF 2019 to have you ‘delight in your giving’.
I can’t make a lot of guarantees – but I’m pretty sure if you give to God rather than to Summit – whatever that gift may be – you will be DELIGHTED! That’s just the way it is with our Savior! See you in Church!
In Jesus Love – Dan