The purpose of the Board of Deacons is to help one another see how God is at work in our lives so that we can worship him by helping to care for Summit families with “sympathy, witness and service”. The Board of Deacons has its primary role as one of building and maintaining a sense of Family within Summit through communication, support, and care of Summit member families. Our goal is to provide an active channel of communication between families and the Church to include needs and concerns at all levels as appropriate.
Each of the Deacons has members of the congregation assigned to him/her to provide information as well as help when you need it. The intent is to have a primary point of contact on the Board for you to talk to about whatever is of concern to you and/or to seek assistance when personal or family circumstances arise, when you might need some help. We encourage you to notify your Deacon and discuss your situation and how the church can provide assistance. Your Deacon will use your information to initiate and lead the process to make arrangements to meet your needs.
Please do not hesitate to let your Deacon know when we can be of assistance in addressing any concerns you may have. If you cannot locate your Deacon, please feel free to call any of us – we are ready and willing to help you in any way we can. Similarly, the Deacons are available to aid in planning an upcoming event or celebration if you would like that kind of assistance.
If you have a need for assistance, please let the Church Office know at and we will get it out to the Deacons.
The deacons are: Millie Hollis, Moderator, Nancy Hemleben, Justin Dolph, Barbara Miller, Karla Alsop, Pat Martin, Craig Clemmensen, Sue Claerbout, Marsha Toplyn, Pam Dixon, and Ann Turpyn